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General Classes


CWSF's main focus is to be a group that can train people at all levels of taekwondo. General classes for people who have had taekwondo background are held every Monday and Wednesday at 8:45 PM. Our goals are to train hard, get fit, and hone our basic taekwondo skills. These classes focus on cardio and stamina, kicking techniques, strength and health, and all technical aspects of taekwondo (hand techniques, kicking techniques, forms.) Please contact or show up at any of our Monday and Wednesday evening classes.


Advanced Sparring Classes


Advanced sparring classes are held twice a month, on every other Thursday. These classes are focused on sparring and are primarily for black belts and those who have competition experience. Please contact for information about sparring classes.


Beginner classes


Beginner classes are held at special intervals, and are a month long program which culminates in the ability to break a wooden board with a kick.  Beginners are encouraged to start together, train together, and attend regular classes so that all the basics can be taught efficiently and effectively. Please contact to inquire about beginner classes.



For corporate programs, CWSF can provide an in-house beginner series if you have a large enough dance studio, yoga studio, or any empty space that allows you to run around barefoot and shout very loudly. Mirrors and a sound system are a plus, but other than those requirements, anyone can do taekwondo as long as they have space to kick and move freely. 


Please contact if you would like to explore a partnership or pilot program to start an in-house taekwondo program.




Beginners get the 1st month of training free. Try out taekwondo, fall in love with kicking, and you'll never want to stop.


Monthly memberships are $60, payable by Venmo. Individual classes are $10/class. All proceeds go to space rental fees, equipment purchases, and other administrative costs. We are a nonprofit martial arts school.

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